Patient Rights and Responsibilities
Patient rightsYou Or Your Representative Has The Right To:
- Be informed of your rights before patient care is given or discontinued whenever possible
- Personal privacy
- Interpreters to assist with language needs
- Information concerning diagnosis, evaluation, treatment, and prognosis
- Choose or change your health care provider
- Participate in making informed decisions regarding care and treatment except when such participation is contraindicated for medical reasons
- Request a second opinion
- Write a Living Will, Medical Power of Attorney, and/or a CPR directive
- Request an Advanced Directive Form approved by the State of Wisconsin
- Accept, refuse or withdraw from clinical research
- Respectful treatment, which recognizes and maintains your dignity and values
- Care in a safe setting
- Be free of all forms of abuse or harassment
- Exercise his or her rights without being subjected to discrimination or reprisal • Personal information being shared with those who are involved in your care • Confidentiality of your medical and billing records
- Reasonable requests to receive confidential communications of protected health information from us by alternative means or at alternative locations
- Inspect and request copies of your protected health information
- Receive an accounting of non-routine disclosures of protected health information
- Voice a complaint and/or grievance to your health care providers and administration without fear of reprisal
Patient responsibilitiesYou Have The Responsibility To:
- Provide accurate and complete information to the best of your ability about your health, any medications taken, including over-the-counter products and dietary supplements, and any allergies or sensitivities
- Report perceived risks in your care and unexpected changes in your condition
- Understand your treatment plan and ask questions when needed
- Follow the agreed-upon treatment plan prescribed by the provider and participate in your care
- Provide a responsible adult to provide transportation home and to remain with you as directed by the provider or as indicated on discharge instructions as applicable
- Provide accurate and updated information for insurance and billing
- Accept personal financial responsibility for any charges not covered by insurance as promptly as possible
- Know your insurance requirements such as pre-authorization, deductibles and co-payments
- Call the billing office with questions or concerns
- Behave respectfully toward all health care professionals and staff, as well as other patients and visitors; physical or verbal threats will not be tolerated
- Respect the property of others